Elem Cores

Angular Cores (23)

These made up the majority of cores recovered.  These were multi-platform cores where flakes were removed from whatever face happened to be convenient or showed the most promise in the flake removal process.  All but two were Borax Lake obsidian.  Two were basalt.
Single-Platform Core (1)

This spent Borax Lake obsidian core was short and all flakes had been struck from a single platform (0-299).
Large Flake (3)

Any flake at least 5cm long or wide was considered a large flake.  These flakes are large enough to have been further manufactured into most of the points, knives, flake tools, and other chipped stone implements found at the site.


A “core” is a large stone that is shaped for the purpose of obtaining large flat and sharp flakes when struck with a stone or bone hammer.  The large flakes are then used for the manufacture of smaller tools such as scrapers, knives, points, drills, reamers, etc.  There were 27 cores recovered during project monitoring.

All obsidian chipped stone tools that appeared to have diagnostic shapes were submitted for hydration analysis.  Hydration readings were converted to approximate years B.P. (Before Present) using Thomas Origer’s (1993) rate for Napa obsidian and the Borax Lake/Napa obsidian conversion factor developed by Kim Tremaine and Dave Fredrickson (1988).