Anderson Marsh

Between 1976 and 1978, John Parker led a team of Sonoma State University archaeologists to survey and recorded prehistoric sites at Anderson Marsh. Parker nominated the 43 prehistoric sites to the National Register of Historic Places as the Anderson Marsh Archaeological District.
Between 1978 and 1982, Parker’s grass-roots lobbying prompted the State to purchase 1000 acres and 38 of those archaeological sites as a new State Historic Park.
Click here to watch an Emmy Award winning documentary about the park.
This link takes you to the Anderson Marsh Interpretive Association .
It took a Community
Though the preservation of the cultural sites may have been John Parker’s vision, it took the whole community to make it happen. Civic clubs and citizen groups wrote letters of support, Native American leaders wrote letters of support, local newspapers did feature articles about the project. Both local and regional radio and TV carried stories supporting the proposed new park.
In the end, it came down to a final public hearing before the Lake County Board of Supervisors. The major landowner had applied for permits to change the land’s agricultural use to a residential use. This change would have increased the value to a point where the State could no longer afford the purchase. On the day of the hearing, it was standing room only in the Supervisor’s Chambers. The public turned out in mass to voice their support for the park purchase. Members of the Department of Fish and Game, State Parks, the Audubon Society, Native American groups, The Historical Society, the Sierra Club, and many civic organizations were there. The owner’s agent asked for a continuance, but it couldn’t be granted, so the owner withdrew his application.
Here are some of the support letters:
From Tribal Elder Nelson Hopper
From Elem Tribal Historian Jim Brown III
From the Lake County Chamber General Manager
The Birds of Anderson Marsh
Dr. Paul Baldwin conducted a study of bird-life at Anderson Marsh in 1983. Click here to see a PDF of his report.
Dr. Baldwin and crew bird-watched every week for one year and listed 146 species and the months
they were spotted at Anderson Marsh. Click here to see the monthly bird list