Elem Historic Feature 3
Mine waste excavation beneath the western road encountered historical artifacts further north of the intersection of Pomo Street and the road that leads to the cul-de-sac. The feature was well defined and consisted of bricks, 16 meters. The feature area was flagged and its boundary spray-painted to keep construction workers and equipment out.
The mine waste had been removed and it was anticipated that the feature would be protected and preserved beneath clean fill and road construction. With the understanding that the feature would be protected, only a single 5- gallon bucket sample (for ¼” processing) and a 2,000cc sample (for 1/8” processing) were obtained from the feature. In addition, any diagnostic artifacts exposed on the surface of the feature were collected and processed.
Graphs of the Feature 3 samples indicate that EuroAmerican glass was the most abundant of the artifacts by weight. The next most abundant material was Asian ceramics followed by EuroAmerican other (metal, leather, building material, etc.) and EuroAmerican ceramics. Also recovered were obsidian stone tool manufacturing
material (debitage), bone, and organic material.
EuroAmerican Glass
Bottle fragments recovered included one hand-blown, turn-mold, bubble-base champaign and four unidentifiable bottles. Other glass items included a glass saucer and a purple stemware glass.
Asian Ceramics
Pieces of two bamboo ware rice bowls were recovered as was a piece of a food or spouted jar and the base of a Ng-Ka-Py jar.
EuroAmerican Ceramics
All EuroAmerican ceramics were either stoneware or creamware. Pieces of two main course plates, two cups, and four unidentifiable items were recovered. All were plain white glazed except one with a gold rim band.
EuroAmerican Other
Other manufactured goods included sheet metal (most likely rusted cans), unidentifiable nails, and a shell button (H3-3). The button was a two-hole, sew-through that was 36-line in size.
Organic Material
A black walnut shell, a small amount of fish bone and a piece of mammal bone were recovered. There was not enough bone to enable any meaningful analysis.
Ground Stone
A single flat, polished sandstone slab was recovered that appeared to be an abrading stone for knife sharpening or shell bead grinding.
Feature 3 Interpretation
Feature 3 contained relatively more Asian ceramics than Features 1 and 2. This suggests that some members of the household were of Asian descent. There were also fewer bottles and pieces of EuroAmerican ceramics than the previous features. All glass suggested manufacture before 1914. Asian ceramics indicate use between 1850 and 1920.
It is likely that Feature 3 is a deposit of household discards that were in use between 1880 and 1914.