This web site contains the latest information on the activities of many Lake County and Northern California archaeological projects. It also provides links to various archaeological and historical organization web sites as well as information on endangered historical and archaeological resources.
Use the menu at the top to select sections of the website that interest you (see brief descriptions below). Each main “section” menu item may have secondary drop-down menus that take you to different pages within that section.
About: This page gives you information about our team and our business.
Services: These pages let you know more about what “Archaeological Research” can do for you.
Education: These pages include printable time-lines, Power Point presentations, and information about California and Lake County history and prehistory.
Projects Page: These pages cover recent Archaeological Research projects in Lake County and beyond.
News: These pages cover recent archaeology news from Lake County and around the World.
Related Sites: This page allows you to link to other archaeology and Lake County resource web sites.
Contact: Go here if you need to get in touch with us.